How To Get Involved
Partnership Offer with Schools in Bristol and South Glos
We are looking for interested schools to partner with, for us to offer Multi Family Groups, subject to funding.
The school would need to provide:
● a room
● a member of staff, preferably on the leadership team, for half day/ week, to co-facilitate the weekly groups
● a commitment to the partnership for at least one school year
● 6-10 suitable families
We would provide:
● 1-day online training in running the groups
● a mental health professional for half day/week to help recruit families, set up the groups, co-facilitate the groups, post group debrief
● A researcher to evaluate the groups
● Supervision
● Funding for supply teacher cover if necessary
BFS is currently in partnership with and running MFGs in Cabot Primary School, May Park Primary School and Blaise Nursery and Primary School.